Saturday, February 18, 2012

Opening Classroom Doors to the World

I found the blog and a wiki site of the Epic Romeo and Juliet Project. It illustrates how a teacher, Nicholas Provenzano prepares his students for the global world and develops their 21st century skills. He a high school English teacher trying new and innovative ways to connect his students to the world and literature around them. He is always looking for fun projects to collaborate on with different teachers. In this project, he connected two classrooms from two U.S. states via blogging and a wiki site to collaborate on the design and the performance of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet play and share the process of staging it via his wiki site, his students' blogs, photos, and videos. Read what a student wrote about the end of the project in the final post Romeo and Juliet Essay. Visit the Nerdy Teacher blog yourself and read more stories about innovative teaching in the 21 century classroom.

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